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FAMILY & DIVORCE LAWYERS Guiding you through the legal process

Brown Law Group Family & Divorce Law
Edmonton family law attorney
TRACY C. BROWN Edmonton Family & Divorce Lawyer

Experience at work

Strategic Counsel for all Your Family Law Matters

Family Law is as much about managing the emotion and stress of family breakdown as it is about purely legal matters.

Our Family Lawyers provide support and advice when you are under stress. We advise you on your legal options and guide you through the legal process. This process may be out-of-court (for example, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, judicial dispute resolution, parenting coordination, or collaborative divorce) or in-court (for example, claims, applications, hearings, and trials).

Our Family & Divorce Lawyers are passionate about providing personalized, high-quality Family Law services. We can help you with:

  • Divorce
  • Joint Divorce
  • Guardianship
  • Referrals to Parenting Experts and Parenting Assessments
  • Child Support
  • Spousal Support
  • Determinations of Income for Support purposes
  • Division of Matrimonial Property
  • Division of Property for unmarried couples
  • Disclosure of Assets & Debts
  • Valuations of Corporate Assets
  • Pension Division
  • Cohabitation Agreements
  • Pre-nuptial Agreements
  • Separation Agreements
  • Grandparent Contact
  • Representing Children in High-Conflict Disputes
  • Mediating your Divorce or Family matter
  • Parenting Disputes
  • Reviewing Emergency Protection Orders
  • Restraining Orders
  • Independent Legal Advice on Agreements
  • Second Opinions on your draft agreement or current legal process
  • Variation of Divorce Judgments or Final Orders
  • Appeals

Choosing the right Edmonton family or divorce lawyer for you

Choosing the right Family Lawyer for you is important; not only can family disputes become emotionally draining and costly, but not every Family Lawyer is the best fit for every case or every client. There are many styles of “lawyering” and many approaches to family disputes, especially those involving children. It is always a good idea to meet with a few Family & Divorce Lawyers before retaining someone to assist with your family matter.

Typically, Family & Divorce Lawyers in Alberta charge for consultations. At Brown Law Group, we charge a flat fee which is usually the lawyer’s hourly rate, regardless of the length of the consultation.

For us, a consultation is much more than a “meet and greet” event. We consider a consultation to be an initial “case assessment.” We go through the relevant history to understand the background and the nature of your legal problem. Our goal is to give you an overview of what the legal options will likely be for your situation (as much as this is possible with the information before us in a first meeting). We also try to identify any immediate risk factors or legal steps you should be aware of to protect your interests.

After a consultation, there is no obligation to retain us. Similarly, we may decide after a consultation that your case is not a good fit for us. We often refer individuals seeking legal representation to other Family Lawyers in Edmonton who may be more appropriate for their particular case. Read More

The breakdown of a family is an emotional and unsettling experience for all involved. At Brown Law Group, we work diligently to guide our clients through the divorce and family law process in an informative and supportive way.

Our Edmonton Family Lawyers can provide the knowledge and representation you require — whether you just need assistance drafting an already negotiated agreement between you and your spouse, or need more extensive help negotiating or resolving issues in a dispute.


As experienced Edmonton Family & Divorce Lawyers our job is to assist you through the legal aspects of family breakdown.

If you retain one of our lawyers after your initial consultation (where we discuss the details of your specific case) you will be given information and advice on procedural options and legal strategy so that you can make an informed decision about which course of action you would like to take.

If an amicable settlement cannot be reached, our team of Family Lawyers in Edmonton are trained in litigation and various alternative dispute resolution options. We also have Family Law Trial experience, and do not shy away from the courtroom when this is the last resort.

When you choose to retain a Family Lawyer at Brown Law Group, be assured that you will receive compassionate, competent, and cost-effective representation.


One of the most common concerns we hear from our clients is how their divorce will impact the children, and how to best protect their children’s mental health, well-being, and future needs.

Divorce is now listed as one of the “Adverse Childhood Experiences” (known as ACEs) which can have long-term consequences into adulthood. Some children are naturally more resilient than others, but there is considerable research that shows that exposure to conflict between parents causes “toxic stress” which harms children.

Our Edmonton family lawyers are trained in and committed to approaches to the legal process of separation and divorce which prioritize children’s well-being and best interests.

While we are passionate advocates for our clients, we believe that Family Lawyers have an added ethical duty to “do no harm” to children.

Family Lawyers may have limited influence over the negative impacts of separation and divorce on the children of their clients, but to the extent that it is possible, we encourage and advise approaches which minimize the collateral damage to children.

At Brown Law Group, we encourage all of our clients to take the following precautions, as difficult as it may be in the emotional turmoil of separation and divorce:

  • Do not try to persuade your children to side with one parent over the other
  • Do not expose your children to hostility or anger you may feel toward their other parent
  • Do not speak negatively about the other parent in front of your children
  • Do not interfere with the other parent’s time with the children
  • Do remind your children that both of their parents love them and will continue to do so
  • Do reassure your children that the divorce is in no way their fault and is not a result of anything they have done wrong
  • Do remember that it is normal for your children to struggle with difficult emotions during this time and encourage them to express their feelings
  • Do look into counselling and other resources for your children if you feel that additional support would benefit them

If you need assistance finding support and resources for your children, our team of dedicated Edmonton Family Lawyers are happy to connect you with local programs and organizations to ensure that you and your children receive the support you need.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost to retain a Family Lawyer in Edmonton?

The cost for retaining an Edmonton Family Lawyer depends on many factors, such as the complexity of the case, the level of expertise and skill required, and how open both parties are to negotiation. We work together with our clients to keep costs reasonable. While the typical rate for Edmonton Family Lawyers is between $200-$600 per hour, we charge a flat fee that is usually the lawyer’s hourly rate, no matter how long your consultation may be.

You can help minimize legal costs by:

  • Being open to compromise
  • Gathering all requested documentation beforehand
  • Focusing on the outcome

When would a case go to family court in Alberta?

While we strive to settle disputes amicably, a family case may go to the Provincial Court if a settlement cannot be reached through negotiation or other dispute resolution alternatives. An Alberta Family Judge will hear applications for issues such as child support, spousal support, guardianship, child protection, and parenting arrangements.

How should I prepare for my divorce or parenting consultation?

By gathering supporting financial documentation and a list of your joint and separate assets & debts, you will make the process of moving forward with your case much easier, and save yourself time and money in the long run.

If you are divorcing, you will need to find or obtain a copy of your marriage certificate and have all the relevant details ready for your consultation, including: date and place of marriage, date and place of birth of both spouses, full names and dates of birth of all children including step-children, and your date of separation.

When is the best time to look into family law services?

As family law can encompass many categories, we recommend that if you feel uncertain during any step of your divorce or family dispute process, to give us a call at 780-540-5160 or book an appointment using our online tool.

In particular, we recommend looking into our family law services to resolve divorce, guardianship, domestic abuse, parenting or adoption, and property disputes well before they arise. In addition, our Family Lawyers can help you file important family documents, or act on your behalf with a Power of Attorney (POA) due to sickness or old age.

What can an Edmonton Family Lawyer do for me?

At Brown Law Group, our family and divorce lawyers are trained and experienced in many aspects of family law. We can help clients come to an agreement on the management of the prenuptial agreement, represent you in family court, provide legal advice on parenting or divorce cases, manage and resolve property & assets disputes, and more.

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